Samples of my post-graduate and continued education
∙ Course with renown Prof. Ann Masten, University of Minnesota, Titled: ‘Resilience in Children exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives’ — An extension of my specialization in children and trauma.
∙ Certified NLP Practitioner, Titled: NLP for kids, expert: Judy Bartkowiak, co-accredited by Sue Knight, United Kingdom
∙ Human resources and the human mind, Titled: HR and Profiling, expert: Dr. Thomas Müller and Gustav Stendal
∙ Course on improving eye sight, Titled: Better vision without glasses, expert: Dr. Noemi Kempe at the Institute IBBU, Lieboch
∙ Annual Dialogue on Labour Law, Prof. Mazal at Wifi Institute Vienna
∙ Course Titled: Profiling, expert: Dr. Thomas Müller
∙ Post-Graduate seminar titled: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources, at University of Graz, Institute Uni For Life, grade: A
∙ Course titled: Information Medicine with Dr. Noemi Kempe at the Institute IBBU Lieboch
∙ Seminar titled: Application of traditional diagnostics and bioresonance therapy in cosmetology, with Dr. Dimitri Tichomirov at the Institute IBBU Lieboch
∙ Course titled: Epigenetics – The Unexpected Power, with Dr. Noemi Kempe at the Institute IBBU Lieboch
∙ Holistic training and frequency therapy courses at Solid Sol Academy, where I then taught courses myself. Attended courses included (examples)
– Course on meridians, chakras, energy and practical usage, titled:
Basic course
– Course on dowsing,
– Seminar: Colours and their affects
– Advanced course on energy healing
Completed university education:
∙ Master’s Degree in Law Karl-Franzens-University Graz, The Copyright Directive of the EU and its Importance for Austria
∙ Doctorate studies in Law Karl-Franzens-University Graz and Technical University Graz, Biotechnology and Software Patents
∙ Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria, Italy. Erasmus studies, science political.
My legal education has taught me how to acquire a great deal of knowledge by myself, how to structure and how to apply it to each individual case. A strength from which clients benefit and which makes any training, self-study or courses. easier for me.
Self-study (samples)
Dr. Anita Johnston – Eating Disorders
Trauma: books and online resources, psychological journals, articles on brain research and trauma or PTSD
Education and training (in addition to practical experience)
Children, child development and advancement, stages of childhood

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