Whenever Verena talks about death and the afterlife, she may do so with joyful care, yet never carelessly. It’s her own experience of premature loss that has ingrained in her the highest respect for everything people experience when faced with the inevitable. Her lightheartedness and sense of humor have prevailed despite the circumstances and it is with this background in mind that this information should be read.

To me, death is not a moment but a process, one that starts a while before dying. I’ve learned that this process allows for energetic assistance.
It is with joy and honor, with a light heart, that I will answer all your questions. It is with hope and love that I do this work. It is due to loss and heartbreak that I found the solace buried beneath. This is my gift, guiding you towards grace.

What exactly is it that you do?
When a soul is ready, it needs a certain energy to take the journey to the beyond. I am a conduit for this energy.The main point is helping you or your animal achieve the state of mind that permits leaving, getting the soul onto the journey it’s been called to make.
A tradition cherished in many cultures, this kind of accompaniment if done correctly, is something very beautiful and precious. Long ago, animals were also supported when making their transition. Today it’s time to re-establish this tradition in way that fits the present era.
Do you need to be with the person/animal?
It makes my heart lighter to say that I do not. This allows me to reach more people, more animals, as traveling is not required nor is getting into restricted areas of hospitals or care facilities. Everyone can experience the soothing effects of this service, no matter who they are or where they are in the world.

When do I call you?
You can call anytime. When you feel the end is nearing, either your own or that of a beloved (human or animal), get in touch.
How do you know that the time is right?
I do not. I cannot no the time of death, nor start or jumpstart the process. I can, however, provide energy for the time when it’s needed and be there in spirit to ensure a safe journey.

What is your work called?
My granny’s gift, you could say, or simply an act of service. I do not have a special name for accompanying a soul, it may come with time. This kind of accompaniment is a unique skill passed down from one generation to the next, that provides essential assistance for all those on the threshold. A loving service that offers peace to the soul.
Why is death happening?
I can only assume, but it seems likely that it’s intended to teach us the value of life. Words often fail us when life, this miracle, is about to come to an end. It’s often over too quickly, but it’s never over forever. Because there is something beyond that. My holistic task is to show you, your relatives, and even your animals the way to grace.
What to expect in the afterlife, if there is any?
How can there not be an afterlife? From a scientific view, energy can not be lost. So the beyond is a sacred space, one you would not interfere with lightly. The journey to the beyond is not without its own risks and this is where help is useful. Once there, the soul is bathed in light and love and will decide where fate shall take her.

Whom do you help?
* People and animals at the end of their lives
* Bereaved with their questions
*Hospice and palliative care teams or emergency teams to help them cope a little better
* Those searching for answers as to what is fair when interacting with ancestors
* Souls who are stuck