When the world comes together to celebrate Valentine’s day on February 14, a custom that has come to be part of many a country, the world celebrates a day of Love, Esteem, Friendship and Open Hearts. And what language transports love’s message best? The language of flowers. So when, in the turbulent 25th year of…

This text wants you to have hope again and inspire you to take the steps for this journey.
Baby Boom-what Diane Keaton can teach you
I recently re-watched Baby Boom, a movie starring Diane Keaton, while doing some kitchen cleaning. Astonishing as it may seem, this movie teaches an important lesson: do not neglect any aspect of yourself in favor of another. Or: be all you are. The movie Diane is J.C. Wiatt, known as the Tiger Lady, a Harvard…
Hope is a choice
It’s 2063. Ten years after WW3, 600 million dead, no big cities, no governments. In this dystopian time hope is born, blossoming. And it comes in the form of a spaceship. A special spaceship. One with a warp core, able to fly faster than light. As it launches, it lays the bridge for a future…
Year of the dog
WHAT A YEAR OF DOG LOVE TAUGHT ME It’s been a year, year two starting from today. A year in which Wendy grew from a little heart-stealing bundle into a 30kg dog. Still stealing hearts, still playful, affectionate, and (sometimes) overjoyed. Year one taught me a lot of things – from bliss to pain, loss…
The two sources
Whatever you do in life can be done out of one of two sources: your high self, the light or your low self, the dark. Even if the act comes from the heart – because the heart is a vessel for both love and hatred, understanding and disregard, warmth and coldness. When I first realised…
Did you know…this time: Fairies and Food
What is it Fairies eat? What’s their favourite food? And did you know there is one thing they really shouldn’t have? Discover it all with the subscription (1×12 EUR, 1 year, no automatic extension, pay safely with invoice) Log-in or register
Falling Falls
a poem by Verena Radlingmayr a powerful magic hits my coreeven before I see the shoremy heart beats, and beats, and gets a blastmy soul is dancing, free at last the stunning waters, the majestic forcehow can I put it into words?the magic, the colours, the rising vibesmaking me hopeful and feeling so alive touching…
<!– wp:paragraph –><p>Fear, the worst scourge of mankind. Fear, the hurdle that makes almost any further development impossible. Fear, the emotion gripping us tighter than everything and everyone else. The one power that some know how to tap into and use against us. The one power that enables one to rule over others, to lead…
Over the period of a few weeks the Queen—an inner archetype that is inherent in every woman—tended to come up, a lot. This female archetype is essential when we want to forgive, when we want to be generous and caring. But also when it comes to recognizing boundaries and establishing a wise sort of order…
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Daylight saving time
Did you know that changing the clocks has an effect on the body? There are sources that say that heart attack rates increase at these time changes. There are those who suffer so much from the wrong time that they just carry on as before. There are those who feel run down, worn out. Adults,…