“I had a very positive experience with Verena: with her sensitive way she understood my 7 year old son’s psychological profile and using bio-resonance she helped him to understand how to manage his energy in order for him to be able to face the challenges of school with more concentration and discipline”.
Eleonora F.
Every parent wants the best for their child. In recent years, the demands on children have increased so much that they too need support. I help children in two ways: with the proven bio-resonance method Imedis and the ‘Knights and Damsels’ program, in which they learn to stand their ground and solidify their values.
Children often ask if that hurts. No, it does not. They love the
” granules” (globules), which I record during therapy and which they can take home with them. As the globules are made of sugar, they also taste good and children love taking them.
“I also wanted those kernels (globules) like my dad. Therefore I went for the bioresonance. Verena explained to me exactly what was being done. And I even felt it. I love my kernels.”
Bastian, 7 years
In what cases does bioresonance help children? For example, with:
∙ Abdominal pain
∙ Learning difficulties
∙ Self worth issues
∙ Visual impairment
∙ Eating disorders
∙ Trauma, e.g. mobbing, unplanned events, accidents
∙ Problems with self-expression (speaking, job interviews and the like)
∙ Rebellion
∙ Changes
∙ Sleeping
Are you facing these problems as well? If you need support, get in touch.

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